Saturday, January 2, 2010

Freshmen are wise :D

so i was talking to my little buddy one day, and she said something that shocked me, jsut the amount of insight and wisdom that came pouring out of her mouth. this was hella surprising, cause this little buddy of mine was one of the blondest, some might even say douchiest of people(Taylor Tran).we were jsut talking about nothing, nd then all of a sudden we got into this conversation about other peoples' opinions. i forget why she said it, but i just remember her saying this little quote "you know, alot of people have heard about you dalvyn. they may not know you personally, but alot of people at least know who you are." i was jsut like "whaaaa???" then she's like "yeah, if you tend to get along with people, people tend to hear about you more. but the thing is, the more people that know you, the more people that wont like you, or at least hate on you. they may think that you have soemthing they dont, or maybe they're just beffing with you for no reason, but not everyone's going to like you. thats why i just grin and bear it, and i dont let the small shit get to me. i try not to let people that arent important to me influence my decisions." nd this little blurb has got me realizing that everything i do in public is influenced by other people one way or another. i havent asked out any girls that i know like me because im afraid of what other people will say, i dont show how smart i really am becuase im afraid that people might think im a know-it-all, and im afraod to show my true feelings to someone because im afraid of what others might think of me. the wierd thing is, now that i think about it, i realize that that's all childish sh!t. i've come to the decision that i dont really care waht people think anymore, cause it's pulled me too far back from where i should be. f*ck that. i think i just found my new years' resolution. thanks taylor.


so this is my first blog in a couple of months, and to be frank, im not really missing it. right now this is just going to be a visual thought board for me, so i can get my head in order . i dont really care if anyone sees this, but i guess thats the point of blogger,no?so right now im just gna put everything into one big blog right now. so 2009 was an okay year for me, didnt do much till the end. to tell you the truth, im glad this year is over, but now its time for me to brae myself for this period of the school year. this is the time of year, the "dark age" when stress gets to me and im so stressed out and angry i fight with my closest friends. honestly, i need to just do what i need to do to stay stress-free and stay the sweet little boy i am. ;) this school year was such a big change for me. im no longer frineds with my closest from last year, and i must be honest and say i miss them like crazy, bbut i guess wveryone goes down their own paths in life. to tell you the truth htough, everytime i talk to them, i feel that old charm that kept us as friends last year, but i cant complain about the friends i've got now. just in the past 4 months alone ive had just as much fun as the entire school year last year. muahahahah. screw it, i am gna put everything into different blogs.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

pet peeves.

this is a list of the things that i HATE.

1. do NOT wear more than 4 colors at a time, im sick and tired of seeing one person that wears more colors than there are names for.

2. do NOT fucking tell me i have a bald spot, you stupid motherfuckers, i know, got dammit.

3. do NOT throw anything that is bigger than a ball at me. i hate it, and almost nothing makes me think less of you.

4. do NOT hit me for any reason other than just playing around, and even the force of that has a very low limit.

5. STOP saying the same thing over and over again. GET A LIFE!! i seriously am starting to dislke you people that just have nothing to say. which leads to number 6...


7. okay, its good to be tough, but now, your just seeming like you're less than human. no feelings at all. shit, you could be a serial killer, and im serious.

8.stop doing things that one otehr person does. you only say and do stuff just because a certain person does it, and even though when THEY say it its annoying, you take it WAY to far. just shut up.

9.stop talking about people and stabbing them in the back. i dont know if ive been talked about, probably, but i dont give fuck. im saying you need to stop talking about OTHER people, especially if they've done alot of things for you.

10. dont ditch your friends just because they get mad at you. if they're your real friends, they're gonna tell you when you are in the wrong, or doing something wrong.

11. its good to have national pride, but you take it too far, and you know it. just be quiet sometimes no one needs to hear "yeah" or "woot" whenever you hear your nation being mentioned. you know who you are, and seriously this is mostly at one person. you are in japanese class. NOW you know who you are. i honestly love you with all my heart, and i would never want to hurt you, especially over most people, but come on. the way,i am oficially making myself the person you can lean on.and i'm glad i keep making your day

12.okay, seriously, chew with your mouth closed, and clean up where you eat. you punk.

13.i REALLY dont like it when people do somthing (like a sport) that im doing. if im not telling ou to join, it will piss me off if you do. it makes you look like you're trying to do everything ever in the world, but how are you going to manage if you're cracking under the stress of school right now? i know you dont do the stuff that i do just to please me, its probably far from it, but unless im like, "yeah, you should join this"or "you should do that", i am going to get pissed off at you.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


i ws so pissed today....I cant believe the seniors are gone. as soon as i start getting to know them alot better, they have to leave. its so unfair...

Friday, June 12, 2009

totally made my weekend

[10:25:30 PM] Allison Wood: I LOVE DALVYN K. MORRIS!!

explosion. not really.

i HATE it when i rely on other people to do something, and they dont do anything. and then, when the the deadline comes up, they start freaking out and bossing people around about it. *sigh* I guess its my fault for relying on myself. this ninth grade year has been really informative, and now i know what NOT to do next year.